Сусуму Тонэгава | Японские ученые
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Сусуму Тонэгава

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Сусуму Тонэгава Сусуму Тонэгава (Susumu Tonegawa, 利根川 進) (6.09.1939- …) - нобелевский лауреат родом из Японии

НаправлениеМедицина и физиология (1987 год) 
 За что?  «За открытие генетического принципа для генерации разновидности антител»
 Страна, которую представляет США
 Институт, который представляет Массачусетский Технологический Институт (MIT), США
 Место рождения Нагоя, Япония
 Как связаться?

Телефон: (617) 253-6459

E-mail: tonegawa(AT)MIT.EDU 

В 1987 году получает Нобелевскую премию по медицине и физиологии. 

Текст лекции http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1987/tonegawa-lecture.pdf


6.09.1939 Родился в городе Нагоя. Второй сын. Отец – инженер текстильной компании, которому из-за работы приходилось ездить вместе семьей по ее фабрикам, расположенных в маленьких провинциальных городах.

1959 Со второго раза поступает на отделение химии Киотского Университета

1963 Оканчивает Киотский Университет. Магистратура Отделения биологии Калифорнийского Университета в Сан-Диего. Работает в лаборатории Профессора Масаки Хаяси

1968 Доктор биологических наук (молекулярная биология)

1969 Уходит из лаборатории профессора Масаки Хаяси в лабораторию профессора Ренато Дульбекко в Институт Биологических Исследования имени Д.Э.Салка

1970 – 1972 Вынужден покинуть США, так как закончился срок его визы

1970 Профессор Ренато Дульбекко рассказывает о новом Базельском Институте Иммунологии (Швейцария). Подает заявку директору Института профессору Нильзу Каю Жерне, который предложил Сусуму Тонэгава 2-х годичный контракт. 

1971 Приезжает работать в Базельский Институт Иммунологии

1974 Покидает Базель. Работает над разнообразием антител

1981 Профессор Центра Исследования Рака Массачусетского Технологического Института. Продолжает изучать иммунитет

сентябрь 1985 Женится во второй раз, на Маюми. Первую жену звали Кёко

1994 Открывает Центр Обучения и Памяти в Массачусетском Технологическом Институте (MIT), США

Сусуму Тонэгава Награды и премии

1978 Премия Центра Cloetta Center (Швейцария)

1980 Премия Уоррена Массачусетского Центрального Госпиталя (США)

1982 Грант Общества развития генетики (Япония)

1981 Премия Avery-Landsteiner-Preis (Западная Германия)

1982 Премия Асахи (Япония)

1982 Премия имени Луизы Гросс Гурвиц Колумбийского Университета (США)

1983 Премия имени В.Д.Маттиа Института Молекулярной Биологии Роша (США)

1983 Международная Премия Гарднера Фонда международных премий Гаднера (Канада)

1983 Человек Культурного Качества "Bunkakorosha", Японское Правительство 

1984 Орден «За вклад в культуру» от Императора Японии

1986 Награда фармацевтической компании Bristol-Myers Squibb «За выдающиеся достижения в исследовании рака»

1986 Премия имени Роберта Коха Фонда Роберта Коха (Западная Германия)

1987 Премия Ласкера (США)

1987 Нобелевская премия по медицине и физиологии

Некоторые работы

• A clustered plasticity model of long-term memory engrams. Govindarajan A, Kelleher RJ, Tonegawa S.

• Acceleration of visually cued conditioned fear through the auditory pathway. Newton JR, Ellsworth C, Miyakawa T, Tonegawa S, Sur M.

• Altered cortical synaptic morphology and impaired memory consolidation in forebrain- specific dominant-negative PAK transgenic mice. Hayashi ML, Choi SY, Rao BS, Jung HY, Lee HK, Zhang D, Chattarji S, Kirkwood A, Tonegawa S.

• An important role of neural activity-dependent CaMKIV signaling in the consolidation of long-term memory. Kang H, Sun LD, Atkins CM, Soderling TR, Wilson MA, Tonegawa S.

• Antibody and T-cell receptors. Tonegawa S.

• Brain-derived neurotrophic factor over-expression in the forebrain ameliorates Huntington's disease phenotypes in mice. Gharami K, Xie Y, An JJ, Tonegawa S, Xu B.

• CA1-specific N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor knockout mice are deficient in solving a nonspatial transverse patterning task. Rondi-Reig L, Libbey M, Eichenbaum H, Tonegawa S.

• CA3 NMDA receptors are required for experience-dependent shifts in hippocampal activity. Kent K, Hess K, Tonegawa S, Small SA.

• Cloning and sequencing of murine T3 gamma cDNA from a subtractive cDNA library. Haser WG, Saito H, Koyama T, Tonegawa S.

• Close linkage of the mouse and human CD3 gamma- and delta-chain genes suggests that their transcription is controlled by common regulatory elements. Saito H, Koyama T, Georgopoulos K, Clevers H, Haser WG, LeBien T, Tonegawa S, Terhorst C.

• Conditional calcineurin knockout mice exhibit multiple abnormal behaviors related to schizophrenia. Miyakawa T, Leiter LM, Gerber DJ, Gainetdinov RR, Sotnikova TD, Zeng H, Caron MG, Tonegawa S.

• Cortex-restricted disruption of NMDAR1 impairs neuronal patterns in the barrel cortex. Iwasato T, Datwani A, Wolf AM, Nishiyama H, Taguchi Y, Tonegawa S, Knöpfel T, Erzurumlu RS, Itohara S.

• Cre/loxP recombination-activated neuronal markers in mouse neocortex and hippocampus. Huang ZJ, Yu W, Lovett C, Tonegawa S.

• Dentate gyrus NMDA receptors mediate rapid pattern separation in the hippocampal network. McHugh TJ, Jones MW, Quinn JJ, Balthasar N, Coppari R, Elmquist JK, Lowell BB, Fanselow MS, Wilson MA, Tonegawa S.

• Different gamma delta T-cell receptors are expressed on thymocytes at different stages of development. Ito K, Bonneville M, Takagaki Y, Nakanishi N, Kanagawa O, Krecko EG, Tonegawa S.

• Differential gene expression between sensory neocortical areas: potential roles for Ten_m3 and Bcl6 in patterning visual and somatosensory pathways. Leamey CA, Glendining KA, Kreiman G, Kang ND, Wang KH, Fassler R, Sawatari A, Tonegawa S, Sur M.

• Diversity and joining segments of mouse immunoglobulin heavy chain genes are closely linked and in the same orientation: implications for the joining mechanism. Wood C, Tonegawa S.

• Diversity, development, ligands, and probable functions of gamma delta T cells. Tonegawa S, Berns A, Bonneville M, Farr AG, Ishida I, Ito K, Itohara S, Janeway CA Jr, Kanagawa O, Kubo R, et al.

• DNA sequences of the joining regions of mouse lambda light chain immunoglobulin genes. Blomberg B, Tonegawa S.

• Dopamine D2 long receptor-deficient mice display alterations in striatum-dependent functions. Wang Y, Xu R, Sasaoka T, Tonegawa S, Kung MP, Sankoorikal EB.

• Electrophoretically homogeneous myeloma light chain mRNA and its translation in vitro. Tonegawa S, Baldi I.

• Essential function of alpha-calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in neurotransmitter release at a glutamatergic central synapse. Hinds HL, Goussakov I, Nakazawa K, Tonegawa S, Bolshakov VY.

• Evidence for association of schizophrenia with genetic variation in the 8p21.3 gene, PPP3CC, encoding the calcineurin gamma subunit. Gerber DJ, Hall D, Miyakawa T, Demars S, Gogos JA, Karayiorgou M, Tonegawa S.

• Evidence for somatic generation of antibody diversity. Tonegawa S, Steinberg C, Dube S, Bernardini A.

• Evidence for somatic rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes coding for variable and constant regions. 1976 [classical article] Hozumi N, Tonegawa S.

• Forebrain-specific calcineurin knockout selectively impairs bidirectional synaptic plasticity and working/episodic-like memory. Zeng H, Chattarji S, Barbarosie M, Rondi-Reig L, Philpot BD, Miyakawa T, Bear MF, Tonegawa S.

• Formation of temporal memory requires NMDA receptors within CA1 pyramidal neurons. Huerta PT, Sun LD, Wilson MA, Tonegawa S.

• Genetic analysis of the calcineurin pathway identifies members of the EGR gene family, specifically EGR3, as potential susceptibility candidates in schizophrenia. Yamada K, Gerber DJ, Iwayama Y, Ohnishi T, Ohba H, Toyota T, Aruga J, Minabe Y, Tonegawa S, Yoshikawa T.

• Genetic neuroscience of mammalian learning and memory. Tonegawa S, Nakazawa K, Wilson MA.

• Genetic transcription directed by the b2 region of lambda bacteriophage. Tonegawa S, Hayashi M.

• Heme oxygenase 1 is required for mammalian iron reutilization. Poss KD, Tonegawa S.

• Hippocampal CA3 NMDA receptors are crucial for adaptive timing of trace eyeblink conditioned response. Kishimoto Y, Nakazawa K, Tonegawa S, Kirino Y, Kano M.

• Hippocampal CA3 NMDA receptors are crucial for memory acquisition of one-time experience. Nakazawa K, Sun LD, Quirk MC, Rondi-Reig L, Wilson MA, Tonegawa S.

• Hippocampal neurons express a calcineurin-activated adenylyl cyclase. Chan GC, Tonegawa S, Storm DR.

• Hybridization studies with an antibody heavy chain mRNA. Bernardini A, Tonegawa S.

• Hyperactivity, elevated dopaminergic transmission, and response to amphetamine in M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor-deficient mice. Gerber DJ, Sotnikova TD, Gainetdinov RR, Huang SY, Caron MG, Tonegawa S.

• Immunobiology of murine T. cruzi infection: the predominance of parasite-nonspecific responses and the activation of TCRI T cells. Minoprio P, Itohara S, Heusser C, Tonegawa S, Coutinho A.

• Impaired sequential egocentric and allocentric memories in forebrain-specific-NMDA receptor knock-out mice during a new task dissociating strategies of navigation. Rondi-Reig L, Petit GH, Tobin C, Tonegawa S, Mariani J, Berthoz A.

• In vivo two-photon imaging reveals a role of arc in enhancing orientation specificity in visual cortex. Wang KH, Majewska A, Schummers J, Farley B, Hu C, Sur M, Tonegawa S. 

• Inhibition of intrathymic T cell development by expression of a transgenic antagonist peptide. Levelt CN, Mizoguchi E, Huang X, Zacks R, Bhan AK, Tonegawa S.

• Inhibition of p21-activated kinase rescues symptoms of fragile X syndrome in mice. Hayashi ML, Rao BS, Seo JS, Choi HS, Dolan BM, Choi SY, Chattarji S, Tonegawa S.

• Intermediates in the assembly of phi X174. Tonegawa S, Hayashi M.

• Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes are a distinct set of gamma delta T cells. Bonneville M, Janeway CA Jr, Ito K, Haser W, Ishida I, Nakanishi N, Tonegawa S.

• Lack of self-administration of cocaine in dopamine D1 receptor knock-out mice. Caine SB, Thomsen M, Gabriel KI, Berkowitz JS, Gold LH, Koob GF, Tonegawa S, Zhang J, Xu M.

• Modification of NMDA receptor channels and synaptic transmission by targeted disruption of the NR2C gene. Ebralidze AK, Rossi DJ, Tonegawa S, Slater NT.

• Muscarinic suppression in stratum radiatum of CA1 shows dependence on presynaptic M1 receptors and is not dependent on effects at GABA(B) receptors. Kremin T, Gerber D, Giocomo LM, Huang SY, Tonegawa S, Hasselmo ME.

• NMDA receptor-dependent ocular dominance plasticity in adult visual cortex. Sawtell NB, Frenkel MY, Philpot BD, Nakazawa K, Tonegawa S, Bear MF.

• NMDA receptors, place cells and hippocampal spatial memory. Nakazawa K, McHugh TJ, Wilson MA, Tonegawa S.

• Nobel laureates' letter to President Bush.Arrow KJ, Axelrod J, Benacerraf B, Berg P, Bishop JM, Bloembergen N, Brown HC, Cibelli J, Cohen S, Cooper LN, Corey EJ, Cronin JW, Curl R Jr, Dulbecco R, Fischer EH, Fitch VL, Fogel R, Friedman JI, Furchgott RF, Gell-Mann M, Gilbert W, Gilman A, Glaser D, Glashow SL, Green RM, Greengard P, Guillemin R, Hayflick L, Hauptman HA, Heckman JJ, Heeger A, Herschbach D, Hubel DH, Hulse R, Kandel E, Karle J, Klein LR, Kohn W, Kornberg A, Krebs EG, Lanza RP, Laughlin R, Lederman L, Lee DM, Lewis E, Lipscomb W Jr, Marcus RA, McFadden D, Merrifield RB, Merton R, Modigliani F, Molina MJ, Murad F, Nirenberg MW, North DC, Olah GA, Osheroff D, Palade GE, Perl M, Ramsey NF, Richter B, Roberts RJ, Samuelson PA, Schwartz M, Sharp PA, Smalley RE, Smith HO, Solow RM, Stormer H, Taube H, Taylor R, Thomas ED, Tobin J, Tonegawa S, Townes C, Watson JD, Weinberg S, Weller TH, West MD, Wieschaus EF, Wiesel TN, Wilson RW.

• Nobel lecture in physiology or medicine--1987. Somatic generation of immune diversity. Tonegawa S.

• Organization of four mouse lambda light chain immunoglobulin genes. Blomberg B, Traunecker A, Eisen H, Tonegawa S.

• Organization of immunoglobulin genes. Tonegawa S, Brack C, Hozumi N, Pirrotta V.

• Organization, structure, and assembly of immunoglobulin heavy chain diversity DNA segments. Kurosawa Y, Tonegawa S.

• Proceedings: Determination of the number of antibody structural genes by DNA-RNA hybridization. Tonegawa S.

• Psychotomimetic effects of drugs--a common pathway to schizophrenia? Gerber DJ, Tonegawa S.

• Reduced stress defense in heme oxygenase 1-deficient cells. Poss KD, Tonegawa S.

• Regulation of thymocyte development through CD3: functional dissociation between p56lck and CD3 sigma in early thymic selection. Levelt CN, Mombaerts P, Wang B, Kohler H, Tonegawa S, Eichmann K, Terhorst C.

• Reiteration frequency of antibody genes. Studies with k-chain mRNA. Tonegawa S, Bernardini A, Weimann BJ, Steinberg C.

• Reiteration frequency of immunoglobulin light chain genes: further evidence for somatic generation of antibody diversity. Tonegawa S.

• Requirement for hippocampal CA3 NMDA receptors in associative memory recall. Nakazawa K, Quirk MC, Chitwood RA, Watanabe M, Yeckel MF, Sun LD, Kato A, Carr CA, Johnston D, Wilson MA, Tonegawa S.

• Retention of NMDA receptor NR2 subunits in the lumen of endoplasmic reticulum in targeted NR1 knockout mice. Fukaya M, Kato A, Lovett C, Tonegawa S, Watanabe M.

• Role of protein kinase C family in the cerebellum-dependent adaptive learning of horizontal optokinetic response eye movements in mice. Shutoh F, Katoh A, Ohki M, Itohara S, Tonegawa S, Nagao S.

• Somatic generation of antibody diversity. Tonegawa S.

• Somatic generation of immune diversity. Tonegawa S.

• Somatic reorganization of immunoglobulin genes during lymphocyte differentiation. Tonegawa S, Sakano H, Make R, Traunecker A, Heinrich G, Roeder W, Kurosawa Y.

• Spatial exploration is required for the formation of contextual fear memory. McHugh TJ, Tonegawa S.

• Synaptic plasticity, place cells and spatial memory: study with second generation knockouts. Wilson MA, Tonegawa S.

• T gamma protein is expressed on murine fetal thymocytes as a disulphide-linked heterodimer. Nakanishi N, Maeda K, Ito K, Heller M, Tonegawa S.

• T-cell gamma gene is allelically but not isotypically excluded and is not required in known functional T-cell subsets. Heilig JS, Tonegawa S.

• Thalamic Cav3.1 T-type Ca2+ channel plays a crucial role in stabilizing sleep. Anderson MP, Mochizuki T, Xie J, Fischler W, Manger JP, Talley EM, Scammell TE, Tonegawa S.

• That great time in Basel. Tonegawa S.

• The direction of in vitro genetic transcription on circular DNA. Tonegawa S, Hayashi M.

• The essential role of hippocampal CA1 NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity in spatial memory. Tsien JZ, Huerta PT, Tonegawa S.

• The ins and outs of hippocampal circuits. Tonegawa S, McHugh TJ.

• The molecules of the immune system. Tonegawa S.

• Transgenic brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression causes both anxiogenic and antidepressant effects. Govindarajan A, Rao BS, Nair D, Trinh M, Mawjee N, Tonegawa S, Chattarji S.

• Transgenic inhibition of synaptic transmission reveals role of CA3 output in hippocampal learning. Nakashiba T, Young JZ, McHugh TJ, Buhl DL, Tonegawa S.

• Translational control by MAPK signaling in long-term synaptic plasticity and memory. Kelleher RJ 3rd, Govindarajan A, Jung HY, Kang H, Tonegawa S.

• Translational regulatory mechanisms in persistent forms of synaptic plasticity. Kelleher RJ 3rd, Govindarajan A, Tonegawa S.

• Visual cortex is rescued from the effects of dark rearing by overexpression of BDNF. Gianfranceschi L, Siciliano R, Walls J, Morales B, Kirkwood A, Huang ZJ, Tonegawa S, Maffei L.


По материалам Британники и Нобелевского Фонда  

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